Industry News

Loch Harbour Group Awarded DHS Science & Technology Directorate Business Operations Support Services Contract—Our Fourth OASIS Small Business Task Order

By September 11th, 2020No Comments

July 28, 2015 – Under our OASIS contract, Loch Harbour Group (LHG) won a 4.5 year contract to provide essential Business Operations Support Services to the Department of Homeland Security Science & Technology (S&T) Directorate’s Administrative Support Division (ASD).  LHG will retain ASD’s organizational strengths and continue providing outstanding customer service to all of DHS S&T.

For this complex consulting and engineering contract, LHG will  support strategic planning and performance management, budget formulation, budget execution, policy and procedure development, financial management, procurement management, administrative support, human capital management, physical, personnel and information security management, real and personal property management (to include fleet), facilities management, records management, mail management, subscriptions, occupational safety and health, environmental and energy management, environmental planning and historic management communications planning, conference/event planning, travel management, network, systems and applications engineering, information assurance, IT governance, operations, and maintenance and emergency operations management.