July 23, 2015 – Loch Harbour Group (LHG), a professional services consulting company serving the government and private sectors, announced that it received the Under Secretary’s Award for Outstanding Contractor Support from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Science and Technology Directorate (S&T).  The award was presented to LHG by the DHS Under Secretary for Science and Technology, Dr. Reginald Brothers.

“LHG was recognized for exemplary performance and professionalism in support of the Administration and Support Division (ASD). LHG consistently performed at a high level and worked collaboratively with all S&T components to identify requirements, provide solutions, and create effective tools and assure the ultimate success of the ASD and S&T mission.”

LHG provided complex consulting and engineering service efforts that included strategic planning and performance management, budget formulation, budget execution, policy and procedure development, financial management, procurement management, administrative support, human capital management, physical, personnel and information security management, real and personal property management (to include fleet), facilities management, records management, mail management, subscriptions, occupational safety and health, environmental and energy management, environmental planning and historic management communications planning, conference/event planning, travel management, network, systems and applications engineering, information assurance, IT governance, operations, and maintenance and emergency operations management.

“Loch Harbour Group is very appreciative and honored to receive this prestigious award. We are very proud of our DHS S&T ASD Staff and this award is a testament not only to their outstanding performance but also to their drive, dedication, loyalty and commitment to furthering the mission of DHS S&T. We look forward to many years of continued exceptional support to the Homeland Security mission,” stated Nancy Massey, LHG Senior Vice President.

The Under Secretary’s Award for Outstanding Contractor Support recognizes the professional, technical, and administrative accomplishments of companies that make substantial contributions to S&T’s mission. Awardees were selected based on the importance of their specific accomplishments; efficiency, effectiveness, and economy of operations resulting from their contributions; customer satisfaction; and personal initiative and ingenuity.